Monday, 2 November 2009

What is pre-diabetes

Pre-diabetes or Pre Diabetes is a condition that usually remains undetected. It is a blood sugar disorder that can cause long term damage to the circulatory system and to the heart.

Patients with pre-diabetes are 15 times more likely to develop type II diabetes and the risk of further complications.

Am I at risk?

If you are over weight and/or your waist measurement is more than 31.5 inches for a woman or 37 inches for a man you may be at risk.

If you have raised blood pressure you may be at risk.

If you have a close relative such as a brother or sister who has type II diabetes you may be at risk

What can I do about pre-diabetes?

90% of people diagnosed with pre-diabetes are over weight and the excess fat, particularly around the waist and tummy, affects the regulation of blood sugar. Excess blood sugar leads to damage to the small blood vessels in the body.

Small lifestyle changes can make all the difference . Paying attention to your diet, eating regularly and avoiding packaged, processed or junk food would be a start. Increasing your activity levels can make a difference too. Small changes such as parking your car at the wrong end of the car park, getting our of the elevator one or two floors early and taking the stairs or taking an occasional walk have significant health benefits.

Healthy eating groups such as slimming world can offer practical advice on your diet and gentle exercise. They can also help you to keep focused on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Further information about pre-diabetes can be found at is an online support network for patients, family members, friends and healthcare professionals who travel on the diabetes journey. Membership is free and you are most welcome to join our community.