Saturday 4 April 2009

UK diabetes audit, icebergs and cuckoo clocks

UK Diabetes audit is just the tip of the iceberg.


A stroll down the shopping malls of Manchester city centre confirms the time bomb of health problems that, like the German cuckoo clock, tick tocks away with such a sense of certainty that at some point, like the cuckoo clock, will explode horribly on all of us.


The survey of more than 23000 children explains that 97% of childhood incidences of diabetes in the UK are of type 1. More worryingly 3% of the incidences are now of Type II diabetes which has been associated almost exclusively with age onset and obesity. Age onset and obesity traditionally meant the over 50’s who had given up the battle of middle age spread.


When we toss into the melting pot to the fact that the  UK has one of the poorest reported proportion of these children exercising good control and balance over their diabetes any one with any interest in healthcare, children’s welfare, economics (chronic disease in expensive for the state and its taxpayers)  should be sleeping less well in their beds tonight.


How can you help yourself?


As a starter for 10 here are some pointers.


1)      Understand the daily challenges of patients and their families who live with diabetes.

2)       Diabetes is not concerned about political correctness. Afro Caribbean, Asian and socially deprived communities face greater risk of developing the disease. However look for the log in your own eye before you make judgment about other people and their lifestyles. In this consumer world where even opening a tin of beans has been mechanised diabetes lurks in places where physical activity has stopped.

3)      Support Diabetes Uk and other diabetes related charities whilst supporting your own body with a little more exercise.

4)      Learn about some of the long term complications associated with diabetes. Type II is a serious disease with the possibility of horrible long term complications.

5)      Take an interest in your diet. Do you know what the effect of transfats and empty calories are having on your body?

6)      Lobby like hell the supermarket chains. Enough of processed food it’s killing us and our wallets.

7)      Learn to cook and teach your children to cook.

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